About Us
Churches Together in Bangor
Cytûn Bangor celebrates the diversity of the Christian presence in the University city of Bangor. Open to the leading of Holy Spirit, Cytûn Bangor aims to increase unity and cooperation between churches by:
Growing in Christian Fellowship · Engaging in God’s mission · Interacting in public life
Cytûn Bangor organises all sort of events from the
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity,
Good Friday Walk of Witness,
Praise at the Pier,
hustings before elections,
carol singing and
co-ordinating events for Christian Aid Week.
There is an executive committee composed of three reps from each church which meets five or six times each year.
Cytûn Bangor seeks to further its aims by
(i) gathering together the churches of Bangor in all the richness of their present diversity
so that they can learn from and value each other’s traditions in the parity of esteem;
(ii) offering the churches the opportunity to enter into a new commitment to reflect together theologically
on matters of faith, order and ethics; to pray together and learn to appreciate each other’s pattern
of prayer; to work together, sharing resources and presenting the Gospel in word and action;
(iii) seeking to help the churches to arrive at a common mind am that they might
become more fully united in faith, communion, pastoral care and mission;
(iv) acting as a body which enables the churches themselves to reach their
decisions in the context of common study, prayer and worship;
(v) enabling the churches to do together whatever we can;
(vi) fostering the concern and action of the churches in Bangor in relation to aid and
world development through agencies such as Christian Aid and CAFOD